New York City’s Eric Adams Teams Up With Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot In A Race To The Bottom

It’s generally considered well worthwhile to seek the advice of others with more experience when taking on a new job. By seeking the counsel of an accomplished, recognized authority in a particular field, you can avoid costly mistakes and benefit from the lessons others have already learned. That’s why it’s so baffling that New York … Read more

Editorial: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Ideologue or Idiot?

Somebody once asked me, what’s the difference was between “insane” and “eccentric.” I replied “about $2,000,000.” Behavior that would earn you a canvas blazer with wraparound arms and a room with comfy, padded walls if you’re financially-challenged will not put you away if you are, shall with say, “with money.” On the contrary, if you’re a loon with a fat bank account, it might even get you elected mayor of, say, I dunno . . . New York City.

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