New Anti-Gun Group Hopes Foreign Lawsuits Will Increase Domestic Gun Control

In what may be a sign of growing desperation, a new anti-gun nonprofit has funded and filed two lawsuits against American firearm manufacturers by the Mexican government, a lawsuit against Smith & Wesson in a Canadian court, and a civil rights complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – a foreign group with no … Read more

After He Bested Them For Decades, Anti-Gun Groups Cheer LaPierre Resignation

As gun-ban advocates (and even some pro-gun voices) gloat over the announcement of National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre’s resignation, they’re leaving out some important facts. Despite some of NRA’s more recent challenges and criticisms, what they aren’t telling you is that the NRA, under LaPierre’s leadership, has outfoxed them at nearly every … Read more

Seeking Narrative: A Glimpse Into The Bias Inherent in Much “Gun Violence” Research

By Larry Keane Gun control groups want to study gun owners like some sort of caged laboratory animal. They want to poke and prod. University professors want to ask questions, theorize and understand the answers to their foundational question: why don’t gun owners just give up their guns? The University of Connecticut is boasting of … Read more

Bloomberg: NRA Is Trying to Save Their Organization By Pushing Constitutional Carry… or Something

Over the last 18 months, Americans have taken their safety into their own hands, millions of them for the first time. The nationwide riots following the death of George Floyd, in conjunction with the pandemic, had more people asking how they can protect themselves and their loved ones. Concerned Americans began purchasing firearms, which resulted … Read more

NRA Board Member Publicized Working To Promote Everytown’s ‘Gun Safety’ Program

The NRA has a lot of problems on its hands these days. There are the investigations of its leadership, including Wayne LaPierre, the bankruptcy filing, and personnel purges and pay cuts for remaining staff.  Now comes a New Jersey newspaper reporting on how current NRA Board Member Anthony Colandro is working to promote an Everytown … Read more

LA Times: Mass Shootings Could Totally Be Stopped With More Gun Laws

From the Bloomberg School of Public Health study that concluded “assault weapon” bans don’t actually work to Dr. Garen Wintemute’s finding that California’s extensive gun control laws have done nothing to curb homicides or suicides by firearm, there is a slew of empirical information available demonstrating that gun control doesn’t work. Of course, that’s probably … Read more

When Bloomberg’s Media Arm Uses the Bloomberg School Director for a Quote on Gun Research

The author quoted below, writing at Bloomberg Opinion, doesn’t mention that Daniel Webster is the Bloomberg professor of American health at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Instead, Francis Wilkinson only IDs Webster in his piece as as director of the Center for Gun Policy and Research at Johns Hopkins University. Surely that’s just an … Read more

Get Ready to Play Bloomberg Gun Ban Bingo Tonight!

As you’re no doubt aware, Michael Bloomberg has spent over $400 million so far buying his way into the top tier of Democrat Presidential candidates. And with the collapse of the Biden campaign, the Democrat Party has changed its own rules to get Mayor Mike a place on the stage for tonight’s candidate debate in … Read more

Demanding Moms Claim Responsibility for National Chains’ ‘No Open Carry’ Policies

Shannon Watts never has to work hard to find a sympathetic voice in the media to advance her anti-gun agenda. This time, a story at Fast Company implies that Michael Bloomberg’s astroturf group of demanding moms played a prominent role in Walmart and other chains asking customers not to open carry in their stores. At … Read more