Most anti-gun types automatically assume that a non-law enforcement or military gun owner has limited skills. It’s the “civilians shouldn’t be trusted with a gun” argument. In a way, they are (kind of) not too far off the beam. The worst kind of self defense comes when you have a gun and don’t know how to use it, or use it badly. Pandemonium (or worse) ensues. So if you own a gun and expect to use it for self defense, you should learn how to use it effectively—if only to protect and justify your right to carry it.
Brad Kozak
Why is Ammunition So Expensive: UPDATE
I just got back from a little trip to civilization (Dallas). On my way back, I felt the urge to check out a store with a HUGE selection of guns. The billboards weren’t lyin.’ Wiley’s Guns offers an impressive collection of firearms, from ARs and AKs to the tiniest derringers. They also stock ammo. LOTS of ammo. And they have lots in stock. I plan to do a full review of this little gun store in the middle of nowhere, Texas in a couple of weeks (when I can get back there and do it justice). In the meantime, I wanted to report a couple of things heard – and overheard – regarding ammunition and availability. Keep in mind, until we here at TTAG can verify this information, consider this data as nothing more than speculative statements from unverified sources. But it does have that ring of plausibility.
The TSA: When It Comes to Safety, They’re Number One With A Bullet
I used to fly a lot. I don’t now, largely because my business doesn’t require a lot of travel. But I spend a disproportionately large amount of time at the airport, for someone who doesn’t fly much. You see, I am a member of a species expanding exponentially across America: Abruptio Abbas (Latin: “Divorced Dad”). I find myself going through airport security with an escort pass on a regular basis, to pick up or drop off my 12-year-old daughter at the gate. Going through the gauntlet of airport “security” has been much on my mind lately, since I have a concealed handgun license. Now I’ve never come close to having a handgun pop-up in my luggage, mistakenly attempt to carry a pistol through an X-Ray machine, or any of the myriad of things the rich and famous do on a regular basis. Nope. As a card-carrying member of the Great Unwashed, it is my lot in life to be the guy they would arrest in order to use as an example to all the other poor schlubs. So I tend towards the overcautious side of things when it comes to the Transportation Safety Authority. Or so I thought.
Brady Bunch Going the Way of the Dodo?
The fine folks over at Snowflakes in Hell have a post today about the dire straights of the Brady anti-gun organization, vis á vis donations v. expenses. On the one hand, I’m thrilled. On the other hand, this IS April Fools Day, so be careful what you accept as real today. But if any of … Read more
New Ammo Promises to Render Targets Unconscious, Not Kill
It’s not often you find a manufacturer willing to bring to market a product in search of a market (although that shoe horn thing that Gilbert Godfried is hawking As Seen On TV certainly qualifies), but this one makes my list. German ammunition manufacturer Scheiße AG has announced the availability of a “revolutionary” cartridge designed to wound – but not fatally injure – a human target. Designated the Scheiße Ich Lüge, the bullet itself is designed to break the skin, but not penetrate through muscle tissue, organs, or bone, dissipating the kinetic energy throughout the body to render the target unconscious. The effective range of the load is between 7 and 25 feet, bringing it into line with the typical handgun loads. Available in 9mm, .38 Special, .357 Magnum, .380, .40 S&W, 9mm and both the .45 ACP and .45 GAP cartridges, pricing is in line with the higher-end jacketed hollow-point, +P rounds, although the company is currently not offering any cartridges in +P loads, due to the need to keep the kinetic energy of the bullet within acceptable tolerances.
The Truth About Guns Clocks 18k+ Visits in its First Full Month
After creating, selling and leaving The Truth About Cars, I thought I’d never find a subject that would engage me as fully as all things automotive. Boy, was I wrong. The Truth About Guns (TTAG) is the most exciting project I’ve ever started, and man I’ve started a few. (Then again, too many to mention.) … Read more
Walmart: We Still Sell Ammo. When We Have Some to Sell
If you read my earlier post on ammo at Walmart, you will be happy to know that the efficient folks at Walmart corporate got back to me, as promised, before the close of business today. (Would that I could say that about everybody I contact in search of facts.) Here is, verbatim, the reply from Walmart’s PR person:
Has Walmart Stopped Selling Ammo? Or Has the U.S. Ammo Shortage Gone Critical?
I’m not an alarmist. If it’s conspiracy theories you want, talk to Oliver Stone. I’m NOT your guy. I prefer to dig for facts and work patiently and carefully towards an operational theory. Then run up the flagpole a few times and/or test it to destruction. You won’t catch me runnung around crying “the oceans are rising! The oceans are rising!” So I mention this bit of local news with mixed feelings. After all, this is raw data—no interviews, no in-depth reporting and no confirmed quotes from management. But TTAG’s on the job. We will get to the bottom of this as soon as humanly possible. So, lemme tell you what happened to me this evening . . .
(Un)willing Suspensions of Disbelief
Entertainment. The opium of the masses, if you wanna get realistic about it. Movies. TV. Even Al Gore’s InterWeb. They’re all filled with moving pictures that allow us to escape from our very own realities for a few precious minutes, and wallow about in someone else’s idea of a good time. Like most of the rest of humanity, I enjoy some escapist fare from time to time. And like a lot of other guys, I’m partial to action movies, thrillers, cop shows and detective stories. But something happened a couple of years ago, and it changed the way I watch – and the way I appreciate (or don’t appreciate) what I see. I learned something about guns. And in the process, my suspension of disbelief is no longer so willing.