Which Gun Should I Buy: AR-15 or AK-47?

I’m in the market for a carbine. Don’t need it. I’ve got a perfectly serviceable Remington 870 Wingmaster shotgun in .12 gauge that handles the home defense chores just fine, thank you. I’m the proud owner of a 1911 semi-auto .45 ACP that shoots just dandy. I’ve got access to my dad’s .38 special wheel-gun, should the mood strike me. And yet I’d like to own a carbine. Maybe do some plinking. Target practice. Whatever. When I set my sights on something, I do my homework. I want to know the pros and cons of a given model. In my initial research, two weapons have jumped to the fore: the AR-15 and the AK-47. Once I narrowed my choice down to these two models, my research veered sharply into the realm of the kind of religious zealotry normally reserved for discussing Macs versus PCs. Or Jesus vs. Allah.

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Editorial: Thoughts on Governments and Gun Permits

Our fundamental rights come from God. We the People grant our government certain rights to enable it to keep our country functioning. Rights do NOT come from the government, who then grants the ones they want to give to the People. (See: The Five-Thousand Year Leap.) I believe that, as Thomas Jefferson said, The government that governs best, governs least. Having said that, however, I think it’s perfectly reasonable that we grant our governments the right to issue permits and/or licenses to regulate a number of things . . .

  • Operating a motor vehicle on our streets, roads, & highways
  • Constructing houses and buildings
  • Selling prescription drugs
  • Wearing Spandex

Okay, I threw that last one in as a public service. My question (again): should the government—any government— have the right and/or obligation to force citizens to get a license to own a gun? After giving it a lot of thought, I think the answer is (surprisingly) yes. And no.

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ATK Responds to Ammo Accusations

TTAG’s Brad Kozak recently reported on defense contractor and ammo demilitarizer ATK (Why Is Ammo So Expensive? Ask Uncle Sam). In a nutshell, the company stands accused of doing an end-run around a Congressional mandate to release the military’s spent brass to the civilian market. Selling the brass to the bases that created it (for … Read more

Shotgun. No, the OTHER kind…

It’s Saturday. And I, for one, think it’s high time that we let our collective hair down, get funky, and get back up again. And what better way to do that but post something that is only tangentially-related to the subject at hand, and yet exhibits a certain joie de vivre (that’s “Joy of Living” … Read more

Shotgun Rounds: Your Tax Dollars at Work.

I stumbled across this video. If you can get past the cheesy music and the “we’re from the government and we’re here to help” way of making even the most interesting topics seem pretty boring, this is a very informative presentation. It’s also pretty long; about 18 minutes, to be semi-precise. If you’ve been thinking … Read more

Editorial: Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics

Here at TTAG, we’re doing our best to present all points of view. [ED: We never knowingly not publish ANY article on gun control, except those that fail a basic literacy test.] Taking that one step further, I’ve extended this attitude into my personal life. Yep. It’s true. I’m dating someone who is about as anti-gun as you can find. Lemme tell you, it makes for some interesting conversations and debates (which only occasionally devolve into arguments). Yesterday, we had one such dialogue regarding a piece I’d penned previously, talking about the issue of conceal carry. She brought up what I thought were some very interesting, salient points. Points that I’d like to address here.

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What if handguns were HAND-guns?

The imaginative folks over at H2 ask the rhetorical question, “what if handguns were hand-guns?” I’m also thinking how cool it would have been, if I could have gotten my hands to do that when I was a kid. Except for the bloodshed. Even at my blood-thirstiest, I never wanted to hurt anybody for real. … Read more

Bang, Bang . . . You’re Dead.

When I was a kid, I had what I guess you’d call a good childhood. Two parents that loved me. Good school. Three squares a day. The usual. A big part of growing up revolved around my toy chest, which was filled with guns. Toy guns. Back then, that was not unusual. I had six-shooters and a lever-action carbine (in my “Cowboys & Indians Native Americans” phase), a nifty .38 snub-nosed revolver (my “hard-boiled detective” phase), a bazooka that shot a column of air across the room and a Matel M-16 Marauder (in my “Army” phase). I also had a collection of G.I. Joe action figures that was the envy of the neighborhood. (And, quite possibly, the root of my life-long fascination with Jeeps.) The crown jewel of my firearm collection: a Matel-made Remington cowboy belt buckle that featured a cap gun derringer in what looked like bas relief.

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How NOT to Teach Your Wife About Handguns

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ13IdvRBkU Not sure how much you need to say about a video like this, but I feel compelled to make the following observations… Don’t try this at home. At least, don’t try this at home if you want to stay married. Or if you’d rather that she not shoot you. What in the HELL did … Read more