Harrop: Laws That Allow the Open Carry of Firearms are Insane

If I feared my home could be invaded by what Mark McCloskey said was an “out-of-control mob,” I’d be inside, crouched under a window. The couple argued that the protesters were trespassing on their private lane, which was true but not an excuse for brandishing firearms. A St. Louis grand jury charged the McCloskeys with … Read more

No, The Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee Is Not Legalizing ‘Brandishing’ a Gun

brandish: to shake or wave (something, such as a weapon) menacingly Monday evening, the Georgia Senate Judiciary committee approved Senate Bill 224 which clarifies the offense of aggravated assault when committed with a firearm. In other words, when a gun can be displayed in a defensive situation. By Tuesday, ignorant, panicky reporters were claiming that … Read more