According to the raving loons over in mikeb302000’s slice o’ heaven, we gun owners are all knuckle-dragging homophobes, just a-waitin’ for an excuse to go all Mediaeval on someone. Not so much. But all this Liberal finger-pointing got my mind wandering today…never a good thing when I’m driving, but turns up some interesting grist for ye olde mill when I’m not. Thankfully, today was a ‘home’ day…
Gear Review: Frankford Arsenal Platinum Series Rotary Brass Tumbler (110V, 7L)
If there’s one thing I always procrastinate about it’s managing my brass. I’m great at policing it! I constantly scramble for mine at the range and even pick up most unclaimed brass I see lying around. But then the bags, boxes, and tubes fill up, as do the garage and basement shelves. Sorting becomes less … Read more