Gear Review: Frankford Arsenal Platinum Series Rotary Brass Tumbler (110V, 7L)

If there’s one thing I always procrastinate about it’s managing my brass. I’m great at policing it! I constantly scramble for mine at the range and even pick up most unclaimed brass I see lying around. But then the bags, boxes, and tubes fill up, as do the garage and basement shelves. Sorting becomes less … Read more

TacStar’s Brass Catcher: Gimmick or Gear?

TacStar, a subsidiary of Lyman Products, announced an addition to their existing line of aftermarket long-gun products. The newcomer is the TacStar Brass Catcher, a device that mounts to the Picatinny rail of AR-platform rifles. According to the company, the product’s aluminum component is fully adjustable and low profile, meaning it can be used in … Read more

Five Ways to Reuse Spent Cartridges

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire — where there’s gunfire, there will be spent casings. Okay, so not in all cases, but the vast majority of firearms leave you with an empty cartridge casing after the shot has been fired. And far too many of those casings (and especially shotshell wads) remain on the ground to … Read more

Apocalypse How: What’s Next?

According to the raving loons over in mikeb302000’s slice o’ heaven, we gun owners are all knuckle-dragging homophobes, just a-waitin’ for an excuse to go all Mediaeval on someone. Not so much. But all this Liberal finger-pointing got my mind wandering today…never a good thing when I’m driving, but turns up some interesting grist for ye olde mill when I’m not. Thankfully, today was a ‘home’ day…

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Counterpoint: Obama Did Not Cause Ban on the Sale of Spent Brass

Tom Fujan recycles expended Air Force small arms brass shells on Nov. 5, 2007. The machine renders the shells unusable and ready for sale.

In a recent article on this blog, Brad Kozak claimed that, in an effort to discourage gun ownership, President Obama directed the Department of Defense (DOD) to stop the sale of spent military casings to remanufacturers who produce civilian ammunition:

Then the Obama administration decided that it didn’t want to do anything that would encourage private citizens to own guns. They instituted a policy change that prevented the military from auctioning off their spent brass cartridges to remanufacturing companies.

Yes, this caused ammunition prices—which were already rising—to skyrocket. But is it proof of Obama’s anti-gun agenda? No.

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