Brownells Giving Away a Barrel of Hornady 5.56 Ammo in Super Barrel Weekend Sweepstakes

You know how every commercial or promotion being run for this weekend’s large sporting event refers to it as “the big game” or some other equally vague euphemism? That’s because the NFL guards the use of the term “Super Bowl” jealously. They’ve threatened to sue bars, restaurants and any other business that uses the name … Read more

Brownells Now Selling 5.56 and 7.62×51 Ammunition By the Barrel

How much ammo does a gun owner need? More. Always more. And if you’re on Santa’s nice list and told him that gun food is what you’d like to find under the tree on Christmas morning, Brownells has just the thing. But you may need a bigger tree if this is going to fit underneath … Read more