Romoser: Bruen Was the Culmination of a Decades-Long Effort by Justice Clarence Thomas

If the 74-year-old justice is reaping a bounty, it’s because he’s been planting seeds for decades. In particular, three issues have long motivated [Clarence] Thomas above all others. The first is guns. The second is rights. The third is race. On guns, Thomas pioneered a robust interpretation of the Second Amendment before it became conservative … Read more

New York’s Punitive New Gun Control Laws Will Punish Camp Kids, Endanger Hikers

The [Bruen] ruling by the court’s conservative majority appalled Democratic leaders across the country who said it would lead to more gun violence. In response, New York lawmakers scrapped the parts of its gun-license laws the court found unconstitutional and created a long list of “sensitive locations” and “restricted locations” that turn many places into … Read more

Bloomberg-Paid Writer Horrified That NRA-Supported Groups Can Write Supreme Court Amicus Briefs in Support of Gun Rights

  An examination of the 49 pro-NRA amicus briefs filed in Bruen, along with court and IRS filings, shows that over the last two decades, the NRA has given financial support to at least 12 of the groups and individuals who lobbied the court on its behalf. That’s nearly a quarter. Though a full accounting is … Read more

Kates and Levinson: A Post-Bruen Look at the Roots of Modern Second Amendment Scholarship

By LKB Like many of you, I am still processing the depth of the legal earthquakes from the Supreme Court late last month. With the 6 to 3 opinion in Bruen now the law of the land, the Second Amendment is no longer a “second class right,” and the test set out in Justice Thomas’ … Read more

Bruen’s Aftermath: The Shall Issue Way Forward as the Blue States Strike Back

By Peter B. Elias and Theresa Inacker The Supreme Court of the United States recently released some landmark rulings in its just-concluded session. For those of us who live in states that systematically violate the Second Amendment, the SCOTUS ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen, handed down on June 23, 2022, (henceforth a national holiday for … Read more

Bruen Ruling Puts Gun Control Laws Based on Lower Courts’ Interest-Balancing Rationales in Real Jeopardy

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen did more than strike New York’s “may issue” subjective concealed carry permitting scheme. The ruling also told lower courts that attempting to balance the individual’s Constitutional right to keep and bear arms against the government’s interest in controlling that right violates the … Read more

The Anti-Gun Left Can’t Seem to Understand That Popularity Isn’t the Same as Constitutionality

Do not call this band of reckless revisionists on the court conservatives, by the way. Nothing about what they are doing is “conservative,” nor should you call them “strict constructionalists” or “originalists,” as their decisions disregard legal precedent, the spirit of the Constitution, and often craft citations for their decisions from whole cloth. One recent … Read more

The Bruen Ruling Should Please All Freedom-Loving Americans

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D. Until this week, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) had not made it clear that the right to keep and bear arms is protected outside the home. Now it has. Townhall’s headline read, ‘Supreme Court Hands Down Biggest Second Amendment Victory since Heller.’ Indeed, this is a major … Read more

NYSRPA v. Bruen Finally Gives Gun Owners What They’ve Been Waiting For

[ED: TTAG contributor and member of the Supreme Court bar, LKB, has perused today’s NYSRPA v. Bruen decision and gives us his best assessment of what this means for gun rights now and could mean in the future.] By LKB That popping sound you may have heard at 10:41 AM Eastern this morning was thousands … Read more