Should More People Be Carrying Discreet Anti-Terror Kits?

It seems like only yesterday that guns like the Ruger LCP were at peak popularity. People carried a pistol because they feared carjackers and muggers, and those people tend to only be a foot or two away. The “So anyways, I started blasting” approach seemed like the most likely needed response, and perhaps the only … Read more

Gear Review: Mission First Tactical’s New Achro EDC Backpack Series

“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” – Sun Tzu, “The Art of War” Just a few days ago, Mission First Tactical launched a new lineup of discreet-carry backpacks. Named the Achro series, these bags aim to provide a heavy degree of durability and storage … Read more

Planning on ‘Bugging Out’ In a Disaster? You Might Want to Rethink That…

Anyone who doesn’t have his or her head buried in the sand has probably considered what they would do if something happened and they had to flee their home.  Sort of like when some people imagine what they would do if they won the $1.28 billion Mega Millions lottery. The common refrain remains “I’ll bug … Read more

Gear Review: Hazard 4 Grayman Takedown Carbine Sling Pack

The world is an unpredictable place, these days more than ever. One thing that we can do to try and tip the odds in our favor is to have the right tools available, make sure we are well trained in their use, and try to keep all of our options open as long as possible. … Read more

SHTF Prep: Essential Survival Gear Everyone Should Have In a Bug Out Bag

There’s a lot to be said for having the gear necessary to keep yourself alive in a SHTF scenario. Fire, flood, hurricane, civil unrest…you simply never know what might happen and how long it could take to restore order and civil services. Having basic survival gear on hand and at the ready could be the … Read more

A Woman’s EDC African Survival Bag – What’s in Yours?

Let me state right off the bat: I am not a prepper. I’m an urban dweller who usually has a stash of ramen noodles, rice, tuna, and the like in my home because I’m half Vietnamese and having extra food stores is what we do. Obviously, I carry everyday and also have guns that work … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest – The Price of Five Bullets, Post Las Vegas Gunshaming and the NRA vs. the NFL

Man Loses Truck For Two Years Over A Few Bullets; Civil Asset Forfeiture Abuses Rage On In September of 2015, Gerardo Serrano was driving from his home in Kentucky to visit relatives in Mexico. When he stopped at the border in Texas, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) officers searched his truck and found five bullets … Read more

Gear Review: K Rounds Range Back Pack (Gen1)

K Rounds is a company that’s not afraid to experiment. In fact, they have a solid reputation of making products like the Pancake-Thigh Rig come to life in their custom shop by tapping into their extensive manufacturing resources. Of course, not all products in their catalog are customer-initiated – most are internal creations. Case in point: … Read more