After giving TTAG readers the heads-up on Charter Arm’s forthcoming Bulldog Classic, I decided to shake the company’s media tree and see what else fell out. As you might expect from a small manufacturer dedicated to customer service, the woman on the end of the phone put me straight through to Charter Arms owner Nick Ecker. Ecker revealed that his peeps are preparing to launch a .40 caliber revolver. “It will make a terrific cops’ back up gun,” Ecker told TTAG. “They can keep it on an ankle holster or wherever, and they don’t have to worry about shooting different ammunition.” Nor safety, over-much, as revolvers are your basic don’t need to jack the the slide to know what’s in the chamber, point-and-shoot, if it fails pull the trigger again, self-defense option. A fact that hasn’t escaped the company’s considerable population of female buyers . . .
Obscure Object of Desire: Charter Arms Bulldog .44 Special Revolver
A little company called Charter Arms started life in 1964, producing affordable revolvers. As you might imagine, in 1964, revolvers were the hot business to get into. The founder, Doug McClenahan, had plenty of experience with six-guns after a career at Colt, Ruger, and High Standard. The first gun produced by Charter Arms was the … Read more