Gear Review: AR500 Armor Level IIIA Bulletproof Soft Backpack Insert

Backpack armor is a pretty popular topic these days. Despite historic lows in violent crime, there’s a heightened concern about random mass violence, and rather than hoping it goes away there’s an increasingly large number of products devoted to providing ballistic protection to individuals. One of those products is the AR500 Armor Level IIIA Backpack … Read more

TTAG Daily Digest: The SIG P320 Saga, Graduation Plates and The Pontification of the Lambs

Trigger warning CNN — yes, CNN — gives an excellent accounting of the SIG SAUER P320 drop safety debacle . . . Callaway initially told CNN he was satisfied with Sig Sauer’s responsiveness. “They conducted themselves well. I notified them of my demand they fix these weapons, and they complied within six months, which is … Read more

Vestpak Bulletproof Backpack

Campus carry is noting but a dream in most institutions of higher learning. Not to mention elementary and secondary schools, too. Wheat’s a student to do if the worst happens? Short of changes to state law or school board policies, some schools have begun selling bulletproof backpacks to their young skulls full of mush. Check … Read more