California Denying 18% of Lawful Ammo Purchases, Only 101 Prohibited Persons Stopped

Well, the California ammunition background check system is working pretty much exactly as the hoplophobic hacks in Sacramento intended. For those of you who aren’t aware, ammunition purchases in the Golden State are subjected to pretty much the same background check requirement as firearm purchases are. Now, some preliminary numbers are in as to how … Read more

California Ammunition Background Check System Failures – Bugs or Features?

Who could have possibly seen this coming? The same ultra-competent bureaucrats who brought Golden State gun owners an online system that couldn’t adequately handle mandated “assault weapon” registration last year were tasked with putting together a new system for performing background checks on ammunition sales. And…surprise! The ammo background check process so far is impossibly … Read more

NRA and CRPA to Hold Webinar on New California Ammo Background Check Requirement

By NRA-ILA On Wednesday, June 26, NRA and CRPA will be hosting a free live webinar discussing the upcoming ammunition background check requirements scheduled to take effect July 1. Originally enacted in 2016 as part of Proposition 63 and Senate Bill No. 1235, the new ammunition background check requirements will generally require anyone purchasing or receiving ammunition at … Read more

Background Check Fraud Still Isn’t Prosecuted, Gun Delivery in the UK and Bullet Control in Cali – TTAG Daily Digest

Very few who may have lied trying to buy guns are investigated or charged, study finds But clearly we need more gun control laws . . . In the 29 states where federal officials handle the background checks, there were only 12 prosecutions in fiscal 2017 of people who were found to have provided false information, … Read more