California Enacts Firearm Maker ‘Nuisance’ Law, Acknowledging Its Background Checks, Waiting Period are Failures

By Mark Oliva California’s new law allowing state authorities and victims of crimes to bring lawsuits against firearm retailers and manufacturers is flawed in ways that Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom never considered. Among them might be the state’s admission that their own background check system cannot be trusted and California’s Department of Justice is failing … Read more

CRPA: September 14th and the Newsom Recall Are Critical for California Gun Rights

From the California Rifle & Pistol Association . . . September 14th is an important date in California history. It is the day that we have the opportunity to remove one of the most anti-gun governors in California history. The recall election will present voters with two questions. The first will ask whether Governor Gavin … Read more

BREAKING: FPC, SAF, CGF, NRA File Federal Lawsuit Against L.A. Sheriff Villanueva, California Gov. Newsom Over Constitutional Violations

From the Firearms Policy Coalition: Today, attorneys for plaintiffs including individuals, a Los Angeles firearm and ammunition retailer, Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), National Rifle Association of America (NRA), California Gun Rights Foundation (CGF), and Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a federal lawsuit challenging state and local policies and enforcement practices that violate Second and Fourteenth … Read more

Gun Control Utopia California Sees Four ‘Mass Shootings’ in Single Month

Golden State Governor Gavin Newsom has imposed all manner of fresh new gun control laws upon that state’s residents. Yet even with every imaginable rights-restricting law on the books, California has seen four high-profile “mass shootings” in the last month. Impossible you say, given how political hacks assure us that more gun control will end … Read more

California’s New Police Use-of-Force Law Twists Language to ‘Do Something’ About Police Shootings

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a bill into law that allegedly establishes a new standard for when police can use deadly force. In reality, it’s likely to do little more than endanger police officers and enrich the state’s litigation lawyers. And the blame for this one goes to Golden State politicians’ desire to pander … Read more