Californians Facing Duty To Retreat Bill

For the past several years, various states have been passing Stand Your Ground laws to protect their citizens’ right to self-defense. Most of these laws have one thing in common: If someone breaks into your home and attacks you, they do away with the duty to retreat before using deadly force to stop an attack. … Read more

CRPA Files Brief In Nonresident Carry Lawsuit

With California gun owners under constant siege by Democrats passing more restrictive firearms laws on a regular basis, one organization is actively battling throughout the state to help ensure Californians’ right to keep and bear arms isn’t infringed. Since the critical 2022 U.S. Supreme Court decision in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. … Read more

Pro-Freedom Groups Set Sights On California Firearm Excise Tax

A coalition of pro-gun organizations has filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of California in the County of San Diego challenging the state’s 11% excise tax on firearms, gun parts and ammunition. California’s Firearms Excise Tax, created by Assembly Bill 28 during the last session, imposes the tax on gun sellers, not gun purchasers. … Read more

Punitive Gun Storage Measure On The Move In California

California gun owners could face a restrictive—and arguably unconstitutional—new firearms storage law if some anti-gun Democrats in the state assembly get their way. A measure requiring guns to be stored where they are inaccessible for self-defense purposes—the very reason many people own them—recently passed one more hurdle in the legislative process. On Tuesday, Senate Bill … Read more

NRA Files Brief In Cali One-Gun-A-Month Lawsuit

Further bolstering the case against the state of California for restricting gun purchases to one a month, the National Rifle Association has filed a brief with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal in the lawsuit challenging that law. In the case Nguyen v. Bonta, plaintiffs argue that the law restricting firearm purchases to no more … Read more

California Lawmakers Advance 3 Bad Gun Measures

With the deadline looming to pass bills out of their respective chambers this legislative session, anti-gun lawmakers in the California House and Senate approved three anti-gun measures that would infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens while not affecting violent criminals. Assembly 2917 was approved by the Assembly and now heads to the state Senate … Read more

Cali Files Brief In One-Gun-A-Month Lawsuit

The battle over California’s law banning more than one firearm purchase in a 30-day period is heating up with state attorneys recently filing their opening brief in their appeal of the victory won in district court by the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC). “We expected the State to continue to rely on the failed arguments that … Read more

CA: Anti-Gun Lawmakers Advance Gun Control Measures

Anti-gun Democrats in the California legislature have advanced four more punitive bills out of their policy committees, all of which infringe on lawful gun owners’ Second Amendment rights while having no effect on violent criminals.   If passed by the legislature and signed by anti-gun Gov. Gavin Newsom, AB  2917 would make the state’s already … Read more

FPC Targets California Non-Resident Carry Ban

Among gun owners, California is infamous for having some of the most restrictive—and unconstitutional—gun laws on the books. And one by one they’re being challenged in court. On Thursday, the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a lawsuit against California for the law that bans carry of firearms in the state by out-of-state residents. The case, … Read more