California’s Department of Justice is Putting Firearm Dealers Out of Business…Again

Somehow the People’s Republic of California manages to amaze me every year as they find ways to be even more anti-gun and oppressive. This past weekend gave me some downtime and I spoke to a friend of mine who is a longtime left coast resident and federal firearm licensee. Sam buys and sells guns as … Read more

LA County Sheriff Closes Gun Stores, San Diego County Sheriff Leaves Them Open

“The city of L.A., for example, they have banned all gun shops, they closed them throughout the duration of this pandemic, and the city of Pasadena is going to follow our standard,” the sheriff said. [Sheriff Alex] Villanueva expressed concern about first-time gun owners in isolation with others during the shelter-in-place order. “What we’re trying … Read more

LA County Sheriff Closes Gun Sellers, Then Backs Down Under Blowback, Cities Reopening Stores

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva saw an opportunity yesterday and took it. Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order shutting down most businesses in the state didn’t mention gun stores. Villanueva said he didn’t like the panic gun buying and the idea of a lot of first-time buyers with firearms. Los Angeles County residents rushed to … Read more