A Pilgrimage to the CMP North Store

If you like military surplus weaponry, either as a shooter or a collector, then you’re probably familiar with the Civilian Marksmanship Program(CMP). In addition to promoting marksmanship and hosting the prestigious Camp Perry service rifle shoots, the CMP also runs the program where U.S. citizens can get surplus M1 Garands, 1911s and occasionally other rifles … Read more

A First-Timer Shoots in the CMP President’s 100 Match

I have been going to Camp Perry for over half my life. I have been shooting in the Civilian Marksmanship Program sports for that entire time and have learned a few things about what it takes to be competitive on the line. That said, I have only shot in the Springfield, Garand, and Vintage matches. … Read more

How To Get Started In Competition Shooting

I’ve been active on the competitive shooting scene since I was fourteen years old. In that time I have learned a great deal and have been constantly and regularly humbled by the amazing and dedicated people I meet on the way. Today we will be taking a candid look at what it takes to get … Read more