Canada Bans 324 More Types Of Firearms, Plans To Give The Guns To Ukraine

The fascist Canadian government, under the “leadership” of fürer, Justin Trudeau, said Thursday, December 5 that it is outlawing another 324 varieties of firearms. Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc says these guns belong on the battlefield, not in the hands of hunters or sport shooters. This follows the May 2020 ban on 1,500 firearm makes … Read more

Canadian Woman Arrested In Texas For Stolen Guns Bound For Canada

A Leamington, Ontario, woman faces multiple charges after Texas deputies in Angelina County found stolen firearms, including a short-barreled rifle, and ammunition in her possession during a traffic stop. According to the police, Jahtaya O’Day Jah-Kiara Hamilton’s Lyft ride from Houston, Texas, on Nov. 6 was stopped for speeding when, during the traffic stop, the … Read more

Bill of Rights To Grant Unrestricted Firearm Freedom Proposed in Alberta

While firearms have largely been a federal affair in Canada, one province is taking matters into its own hands, declaring an unfettered right to own and use guns as part of a more comprehensive Bill of Rights. The United Conservative Party (UCP) board approved the new gun rights law which was carefully crafted to deny … Read more

Canada’s Gun Buyback Program Already an Epic Fail

The wheels are coming off of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s gun confiscation program (“buyback”). As proposed, the confiscation of firearms and devices that were banned as “prohibited” by Trudeau’s Liberal government over four years ago was to have been underway by now. Public Safety Canada’s website on the program titled the “Firearms Buyback Program … Read more

Oh Canada: Crime Is Up, Fewer Gun Ranges Since Trudeau’s Gun Grab

In Canada, a ban on more than 1,500 firearm makes, models and variants, together with a mandatory government confiscation (“buyback”) requirement, was imposed by Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over four years ago. Contrary to the representations as to the inherent deadliness of these guns and the urgency of ensuring these dangerous weapons were no … Read more

Canada Gun Laws Are Failing Citizens as Gun Crimes Surge

In Canada, despite stringent gun control measures and a recent national handgun freeze, firearm-related crime continues to surge, highlighting potential gaps in the current strategy, particularly around handguns and the illegal gun market from the U.S., as reported by the Toronto Star and Breitbart. In 2022, police-reported crime statistics from Statistics Canada indicated a 10 … Read more

PRIORITIES: Canada’s Trudeau Will Spend Twice As Much Money Disarming the Law-Abiding As Fighting Violent Gangs

Oh, Canada. So starts the Canadian national anthem. It also sums up exasperation at some of the crazy policies of our neighbors to the north. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plans to spend twice as much government money disarming law-abiding Canuck gun owners as he plans to spend fighting violent gangs. It doesn’t take a … Read more

Suspect Arrested in Apparent Mass Shooting in Nova Scotia

From the Associated Press . . . A suspect in an active shooter investigation was arrested Sunday at a gas station in Nova Scotia, after police said there were “multiple victims” in an incident that began in a small coastal village where frightened local residents took cover in their basements overnight. Police didn’t immediately say … Read more

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: Fire A Warning Shot At Wolves

Dean Weingarten writes [via]:  On 27 October, 2017, an Oregon elk hunter found himself being stalked by three wolves. One of the wolves charged directly at him, in spite of his yelling in an attempt to scare it off.  The hunter fired at the charging wolf, believing his life was in danger. The wolf was … Read more