So What Does the Inventor of the Bump Stock Have to Say As His Device Goes Before the Supreme Court?

As bump stocks go before the Supreme Court this week, ABC News interviewed Jeremiah Cottle, the creator of the bump stock to get his thoughts on the battle over his invention. Cottle, a decorated military veteran and father of four, originally conceived of the bump stock while recovering from a brain injury sustained serving his … Read more

So Much Coping and Seething as the Supreme Court Decides to Take Up the Trump Bump Stock Ban

As we covered earlier, the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case challenging Trump’s bumpstock ban. Given that this is a court with the same people on it that gave us NYSRPA v. Bruen, the anti-gun fake left is understandably not happy. They think they know how it’s going to go, and they don’t … Read more

BREAKING: Supreme Court Grants Cert, Will Hear Case Challenging Trump’s Bump Stock Ban

Time to lay in a heavier supply of popcorn. Today the Supreme Court granted cert in Garland v. Cargill, the case challenging the Trump era bump stock ban. The about face by the ATF following the Las Vegas mass shooting came at the direction of the Trump administration. ATF, which had previously approved sales of … Read more

ATF Investigators SWEAR They Didn’t Know Michael Cargill Was Suing The Agency When They Audited His Gun Store

Question: If you’re an individual who’s suing a federal regulatory agency and that agency then knocks on your door to conduct an audit of your business operations, is it reasonable to conclude that the two events are connected? Would it be fair to suspect the agency of trying to harass the plaintiff who’s been challenging … Read more

SHOT Show: Michael Cargill Isn’t Finished Yet

Michael Cargill runs Central Texas Gun Works in TTAG’s home base of Austin, Texas. He also trains and qualifies a lot of people for concealed carry permits…though not as many as he used to since Texas became a constitutional carry state. That, however, is another story for another time. You may know of Cargill as … Read more

Cooke: The Fifth Circuit Stopped an Unconstitutional Power Grab by the ATF

As anyone who has considered this issue for more than ten minutes will ineluctably comprehend, the entire purpose of writing laws down is to guarantee that, until those laws are changed by legislators, they remain in effect regardless of the transient passions of the mob. The law is the law, and it means what it means, even if … Read more