When a Gun Isn’t the Answer to the Problem: Carry Basic First Aid Gear

Unfortunately, whether it’s a car crash or a spree shooter, the option of self-defense doesn’t always exist. Even if you technically could engage with a ballistic solution, the best option may very well be to unass the A-O, seek cover or a barricade, and have basic trauma care gear and training under your belt. Some … Read more

Everyday Carry: Make Sure You Have the Fundamental Four When You Leave the House

Thanks to the internet and social media, EDC or everyday carry have become ultra-popular terms. Thousands upon thousands of Instagram users post their EDC photos on a daily basis. Rather than consider the pros and cons of such activity, I would instead pose a couple of serious questions.  What does it truly mean to carry … Read more

The Tourniquet: Don’t Go to the Range or Into the Field Without One

  In the olden days, the tourniquet got a bit of a bad name. Medics used the phrase “save a life, lose a limb,” which translates to “this thing will save my patient, but their limb is gonna go.” This mindset has led to the tourniquet being a weapon of last resort in the fight … Read more