Earlier this month, infowars.com commentator Mossberg500 (no bias there) was not happy to hear that the U.S. Department of Education was buying 27 shotguns. “Their first mistake was purchasing Remington shotguns when they could have gotten the Mossberg Persuader tactical pumps. (IDIOTS) I think they meant ‘No child left alive’ with their ass-bag mentality . . . If they think for one minute they are going to enforce federally mandated educational laws on my kids with Remington firearms, boy are they in for a surprise.” And now that the media furor has subsided, I thought it an ideal time to call The Office of the Inspector General (DOE division). I asked spinmeister Catherine Grant if I could interview one of their shotgun-toting enforcement agents. As Mandark would say, ha! HA ha ha ha. But she did sit down and shoot me an email (so to speak) making the case for gun-toting DOECIs. (If they go hunting and shoot a deer, is that a DOECI DOE?) Here’s her six-point defense of the dark art of armed agents.
(1) OIG employs approximately 100 special agents who work in states across the country. Click on this link for a list of our locations: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oig/oigaddress.html
(2) All of our agents are issued a Glock handgun (Glock 22, Glock 23, or Glock 27 depending on agent’s preference.)