Six Ways Communities Can Reduce Gun Crimes; Surprisingly None Call for Restrictions on Firearms

“War is the last refuge of the incompetent,” is a quote attributed to the late science fiction writer Isaac Asimov (not a word salad of Kamala Harris’ trying to unburden herself of something in history or the bathroom or whatever) and means incompetent people will always resort to violence as the failure of diplomacy. When … Read more

Parsons: America’s ‘Unregulated’ Gun Industry Bears Responsibility for the ‘Gun Violence’ Problem

You pretty much know what you’re in for when you absorb the author’s laughable claim that “the gun industry is effectively unregulated” in the United States. She’s lucky we don’t send her a bill for cleaning the coffee off of our computer after reading that. She really should warn us next time. A crucial component … Read more

CAP: COVID-19 Gun Sales Surge Proves Dangerous Loopholes Exist

In an article titled “Dangerous Gaps in Gun Laws Exposed by the Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge”  the Center for American Progress went on at some length regarding their belief the COVID-19-related gun sales spike proves there are too many loopholes in gun laws: Just as the coronavirus pandemic has exposed gaps within the U.S. health … Read more