SHOT Show: New Guns from Chiappa

I popped by the Chiappa booth at SHOT Show last week and was pretty darn excited by two new guns and one oldie, that has perhaps really come into its own. The 9mm “subgun” in the lead photo is the Chiappa CBR-9 Black Rhino, and it looks and feels like a pretty well-thought-out PDW. Due … Read more

Gun Review: Chiappa Firearms Little Badger .22LR Rifle

Not long ago I wrote an article about a folding survival shotgun and one of the commenters said something along the lines of, “Opinions on survival firearms are like assholes. Everybody has at least one.” He went on to elaborate about his choice of a takedown .22. Well, he’s right. Lots of people praise this … Read more

Terminator: Dark Fate – More Recycled Garbage or a Victim of Misogyny? You Decide

Hollywood has seemed incapable of much originality for, well, a decade or two now. The latest example: they’re going back for one more dip into the Terminator franchise trough with the sixth (?) installment of the Arnold Schwarzenegger classic due for release in November. But red flags are already waving prominently ahead of the Terminator … Read more

Taylor’s and Company Expands “Tailor Tuned” Revolvers Line

Taylor’s and Company sells old school, Civil War through Wild West-style revolvers and long guns in both black powder and cartridge flavors. While most are manufactured by Uberti and Chiappa, Taylor’s creates some exclusive versions for their Deluxe, Short Stroke, and/or Taylor Tuned models complete with fine smithing, tuning, and even parts replacement. With the expansion … Read more

SHOT Show 2015: Chiappa X-Caliber Survival Rifle/Shotgun

Although the Chiappa X-Caliber was actually first shown at SHOT Show 2014, it only started shipping a few months ago. It’s a lightweight survival gun configured as a break-open over/under with a 12 gauge shotgun barrel on top and a .22 LR barrel on bottom and a dual extractor in between. What truly makes it a survival gun is that it can shoot at total of 10 different calibers, including. . .

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Chiappa: Hidden RFID Chip IDs Gun Owner “Forever”. Or Not.

Would you want any of your guns to contain a ‘permanent record’ of your updated personal information on a tiny RFID chip concealed in the frame and designed to resist tampering or removal? I didn’t think so. Chiappa Firearms, the maker of the Klingon-esque Rhino revolver and other guns, angered many American shooters earlier this summer when it announced that its firearms would be equipped with an RFID chip.  Chiappa America president Ron Norton donned his best asbestos suit to (try to) put out the ensuing flame-fest. By now, he was probably hoping the whole affair had blown over. Not so fast, Mr. Bond . . .

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Gun Review: American Tactical Imports VK-22

It seems like every major gunmaker–and several dozen lesser ones– is now selling a .22lr version of their AR-15. The American Tactical Imports VK-22 gives you an M4-styled flattop .22lr upper mated to a fully equipped mil-spec AR lower at a list price ($480) that’s about the same as the Ruger SR-22 or the Smith & Wesson MP-22. Street prices, of course, are well below MSRP, and my example was part of a “No Rain Checks” promotion at $299. Did I get a great deal, or what? Keep the latter option in mind . . .

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TTAG Exclusive: Chiappa President Ron Norton on RFID Controversy

When the story recently broke that Chiappa Firearms was going to start installing RFID chips in all their guns,  I had deep misgivings.  When I read the PR broadside from their publicists at MKS, I cringed. Like most shooters, I don’t want anyone to have even the theoretical technical ability to point a Tricorder or an RF scanner at me and know exactly what I’m packing, where it was made, and how much I paid for it.

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MKS Disses Gun Rights Supporters, Confirms Chiappa RIFD Chip


A few days ago we reported that Italian firearms manufacturer Chiappa was going to start placing RFID chips into their firearms as part of an internal tracking process. The hairs on the back of American gun owners’ necks tingled at the thought (and not in a good way). Missing the “golden 24” (hours) of PR response time, MKS Distributing has released their own press release in response to the increased blog traffic regarding the the RFID chips. The American Distributor for Chiappa and Hi-Point promptly shot themselves in the foot . . .

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