Robbers Attempt Garbage Truck Stick-Up, Get Trashed and Bagged in Process

As if things weren’t already screwed up enough in the Windy City, gang banger crooks are apparently so hard up for a target to inflict violence and theft upon they are now trying to rob, of all things, a garbage truck? WTF? In proof criminals really are THAT dumb, early morning bandits approached a garbage … Read more

The Hit And Miss Of Gun Shot Detection Technology

Gunshot detection technology has been rolled out in various cities across the country as an aid to law enforcement agencies for both tracking and reporting firearm violence. ShotSpotter, one such system deployed in parts of Virginia and Chicago, among other locations, is designed to detect audible gunshot signals and determine the location of the report. … Read more

LAWLESS: Illinois County Defies Court, Vows to Continue Collecting Gun & Ammo Tax

A half-score of years ago, Illinois’ most aggressive gun rights group Guns Save Life a lawsuit challenging Cook County’s (then) new gun and ammunition tax. Following those 10 years in the courts, we have two orders from Illinois Courts— including the Illinois Supreme Court—saying the ordinance establishing the tax was and remains unconstitutional. Yet, Cook … Read more

Exposing the Bizarre Lack of Logic Behind the Illinois Assault Weapon Ban

The Illinois assault weapons ban is currently under review in a federal appeals court after being ruled unconstitutional by U.S. District Judge Stephen McGlynn in November 2024, stating the ban violates the Second and 14th Amendments. Pointing out the bizarre nature of the ban, however, experts say that what makes a firearm an “assault weapon” is … Read more

Pervert Popped Crawling Into Girl’s Bedroom Window in Chicago

What happens when a pervert tries to crawl through the bedroom window of a young woman in a Chicago neighborhood to do Lord knows what? Well, if mom’s got a gun and the knowledge, skills and proper attitude to use it to defend her daughter, Mr. Pervert won’t see any happy endings. Just such a … Read more

DNC Wasteland: Dems Target Guns, Let Criminals Walk as Chicago Bleeds

By Matt Manda The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is in full swing in Chicago and they’re offering voters a double-dose of gun control while the criminal misuse of guns on the street streets of Chicago continues. Nothing in the DNC’s gun control agenda seriously addresses stopping crime. For Vice President Kamala Harris – the Democratic … Read more

Revolving Door of Justice Nearly Gets Two Chicago Cops Killed

A shooting attack on two Chicago police officers last month marked the 19th time already this year that a suspect turned loose on pretrial release attempted to kill or killed someone while awaiting their court date, according to a report at Derrien Johnson was on pretrial release for two felony gun cases when he … Read more

Chicago: Independence Day Weekend Sees Over 100 Shot, 21 Killed. Mayor Blames Nixon, Not Gangs

Murder City USA lived up to its moniker over the Independence Day weekend. Chicago accounted for between a third and half of all homicides nationwide over the extended Independence Day weekend. With all of the bodies accounted for, gang members in Chicago accounted for 21 killed  and 89 more wounded, per With the body … Read more

Chicago-Area Road Rage Incident Ends in CCL Holder Defending Himself

We reported last week on three incidents where concealed carry license (CCL) holders in violence-plagued Chicago were forced to defend themselves, and it appears the hits just keep on coming. Also, last week, Fox 32 is reporting that a road rage incident in the Crestwood area resulted in the fatal shooting of a tow truck … Read more