Chicago Mayor Stops Blaming Cops for the City’s Violence. Now She Blames Republicans

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot won election as Chicago’s Mayor earlier this year. Early into her term, she came right out and blamed the Chicago Police Department for the Windy City’s persistent, pervasive violence problem. Today, after a summer of violence that left 167 murdered and almost 900 maimed, Lightfoot now has a new target to … Read more

Happy Obama Day: 10 Killed, 60 Wounded In Chicago Gang Violence This Weekend

Illinois celebrated its first ‘Barack Obama Day‘ on Saturday. Meanwhile in the former president’s adopted home town, gang violence ran rampant. With high temperatures and low self-control, the city’s criminal class kept hospitals busy. By the end of the holiday weekend, 60 were wounded and 10 had died. Operating from their standard summer season playbook, Chicago … Read more