CNN: Biden’s Nomination of David Chipman to Head ATF is in Real Trouble

When CNN acknowledges that a Biden nominee is having serious problems lining up Democrats to vote for him, you know the administration has real problems. That’s the between-the-lines takeaway from today’s report from the jernalists at CNN on the increasingly imperiled nomination of David Chipman to run the ATF. It’s so hard to figure why … Read more

Why David Chipman is a Disastrous Choice as Biden’s ATF Director

By Larry Keane It’s hard to think of a worse possible nominee than David Chipman to run the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). President Joe Biden could have nominated Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke, as he infamously promised him a gun control job at an El Paso campaign appearance. Or maybe even given … Read more

ATF Director Nominee: AR-15 Weapons of War Should be Regulated Like Machine Guns

David Chipman, a retired Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agent, on Monday said AR-15 rifles should be regulated like machine guns.  “What I support is treating them just like machine guns,” Chipman, who is now a senior policy adviser at Giffords: Courage to Fight Gun Violence, told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton and Krystal … Read more