At Least David Chipman’s Super-Secret ‘Firearms 101’ Online Course for Everytown Was Entertaining

David Chipman squirmed when the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee grilled him for an “assault weapon” definition. The gun control lobbyist nominated by President Joe Biden to become the Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) just couldn’t bring himself to come up with one. “There’s no way I could define an … Read more

Chipman On the Ropes: Five Senators Undecided On Gun Control Advocate’s Nomination to Head ATF

By Larry Keane David Chipman’s charm offensive to win over U.S. Senate support is failing. The would-be director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) nominated by President Joe Biden is in trouble and even the most ardent gun control supporters in Congress are admitting it. U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Chairman … Read more

House Republicans Want to Impeach David Chipman if He’s Confirmed as ATF Director

David Chipman’s nomination to run the federal regulatory agency hasn’t been going well. It seems that Democrats are having trouble getting all of their 50 members in the Senate lined up behind the Biden nominee. Dicky Durbin acknowledged that there are “issues” with Chipman and that “the whip count ‘is not where we want it … Read more

It’s Official: The Chipman Nomination is Heading South Fast

Last week we read between the lines of a CNN article that hinted the Chipman nomination isn’t looking good. Now, with the number two Democrat in the Senate acknowledging “issues” with Chipman to a Dem-friendly outlet like Politico, that seals the deal. Chipman’s nomination is officially in deep sh!t. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin said … Read more

CNN: Biden’s Nomination of David Chipman to Head ATF is in Real Trouble

When CNN acknowledges that a Biden nominee is having serious problems lining up Democrats to vote for him, you know the administration has real problems. That’s the between-the-lines takeaway from today’s report from the jernalists at CNN on the increasingly imperiled nomination of David Chipman to run the ATF. It’s so hard to figure why … Read more

‘I’m Grateful to Biden for Making This Nomination’: Cruz Challenges ‘Pro-Gun’ Democrats to Prove They Support the 2A

Blue Dog Democrats — if that’s still a thing — often say they are strong supporters of the Second Amendment. They always say the same thing: they aren’t looking to ban or confiscate our firearms. They simply want “common sense” restrictions (which are nothing more than infringements on our God-given right to keep and bear … Read more

David Chipman Will Be Joe Biden’s Tool (To Dismantle the Gun Industry)

By Mark Oliva Follow the money. Installing one person to do the gun control lobby’s bidding from the inside has always been the goal. USA Today and gun control mouthpiece The Trace are saying it out loud now. In fact, they’re downright giddy that they’ve gotten the response from lawmakers they hoped for. They used a simple … Read more

ATF Nominee Chipman: Every Civilian-Owned Gun is a Potential Crime Waiting to Happen

President BidenHarris’s nominee to head the federal gun regulator, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and whatever else they want to get involved in, is taking questions from senators today as part of his confirmation process. The aging senior senator from Iowa may not have his fastball anymore, but he hit the nail on the … Read more

NSSF: Watch Chipman Senate Hearing Wednesday, Contact Your Senators to Oppose Confirmation

From the National Shooting Sports Foundation . . . On Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 10 a.m. EDT., President Joe Biden’s nominee to be the new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director, David Chipman, will testify in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. It is critical that all members of the firearm and … Read more