David Chipman Demonstrates – Yet Again – Why He Was Completely Unfit to Head the ATF

By Larry Keane David Chipman is proving – again – why he was never fit to be Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). Chipman spoke with CBS News claiming the firearm industry, “profits by gun violence itself,” and that U.S. senators that doomed his nomination are complicit in allowing criminal activity to continue. “To … Read more

Unfit to Serve: David Chipman Must Not be Confirmed as ATF Director

It was no accident that Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer combined Chipman’s confirmation hearing with that of three other nominees, limiting questioning from senators to only five minutes. The former agent has a long history of hyperbolic claims and outright falsehoods. Though Chipman told the Senate Judiciary Committee he believes District of Columbia v. Heller codified the … Read more