Gun Review: Cimarron Pistoleer by Uberti

Cimarron Firearms and Uberti of Italy have well-earned the reputation for great guns at great prices. Head to any Cowboy Action Shooting match and you’ll undoubtedly find the guns from these giants of the industry very well represented. That goes doubly so for Cowboy Action Mounted Shooting. For their newest release, the Pistoleer, Cimarron Firearms … Read more

Cimarron Firearms Uberti 1860 Henry in .45LC

The 1860 Henry wasn’t the first repeating rifle. That would be the 1848 Volition Repeating Rifle. Nor was it “the gun that won the West.” If any single repeater has a claim at that title, it’s the 1873 Winchester. The Henry was neither, and yet at the same time, it was more important than either … Read more