Taurus is back. No bull. And this time they’ve brought something like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Not-So-Nice-Guy to the party. I don’t know if this piece is a lever-action rifle that want to be a shotgun, or the illegitimate child of an incestuous relationship between a rifle and a shotgun, with a little threesome action from a six-gun. I dunno. I don’t know because the show starts tomorrow, and there was nobody in the Taurus booth. The booth had a caseload of handguns – but only photos of this new FrankenGun. TTAG is on the case, however, and we’ll have details tomorrow. I can tell you that this gun will be to firearms what Certs is to candy. (“It’s a BREATH mint.” “No! It’s a CANDY mint.” “It’s two…two…TWO mints in one!”)