Long March: The Gun Control Industry’s Never-Ending Push for Civilian Disarmament

By Miguel A. Faria, MD For many years, the federal government has arrogated more power to itself at the expense of the individual states, including policing actions that should fall within the jurisdiction of state courts and not the federal judiciary. Likewise, federal government intrusion into every aspect of the lives of Americans continues to … Read more

Weingarten: We Must Repeal the Second Amendment and Disarm Americans

Teachers union boss @rweingarten calls for repealing the 2nd Amendment & enacting a total ban on private gun ownership: “How many lives will be shattered before we have the courage to do what Scotland did, what Australia did, what New Zealand did?” pic.twitter.com/owwhKQojeD — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) March 28, 2023 It’s an epidemic that our … Read more

SHANNON WATTS: The Gun Culture Hates Us Not Because We Want to Disarm Americans, But Because We’re Women

  Cunt. Whore. Bitch. These are just some of the words my fellow Moms Demand Action volunteers and I have been called over the past nine years. We’ve become experts on the nexus between misogyny and gun culture because we’ve lived it—in person and online—since the day we decided to stand up to the gun … Read more

How My Views About ‘Gun Violence Prevention’ Changed

When I was about eight years old, I was blessed with being sent to Deerfield, a day camp in St. Louis, Missouri. The activities provided included going to the gun range and getting to shoot five .22 caliber Long Rifle bullets down range at a time. Oh, what joy that was. And I was pretty … Read more

Annenberg Constitution Project: The Modern Gun Control Movement is a Really a Prohibition Movement

In the 1960s, more violence brought a call for more federal gun laws.  “So the 60s is a time of incredible turmoil in America. You have assassinations.” … “We have the assassination of President Kennedy, Senator Bobby Kennedy when he’s running for President…of Martin Luther King. All of this contributes to a greater sense of … Read more

The Never-Ending Fallacy That Disarmament Makes Us Safer

The fatal fallacy of gun control laws in general is the assumption that such laws actually control guns. Criminals who disobey other laws are not likely to be stopped by gun-control laws. What such laws actually do is increase the number of disarmed and defenseless victims. The fallacy of believing that the way to reduce … Read more

Civilian Disarmament By Other Means: The Biden Administration’s Stealth Campaign to Limit Gun Rights

In the absence of restricting gun ownership, the next best way to limit gun rights is to make firearm ownership and use prohibitively expensive and difficult. That may be the real reason for the White House’s latest round of sanctions on Russia, and it’s part of a much larger effort that extends far beyond trade … Read more

How Shannon Watts and Her Everytown Cohorts Are Gearing Up for the Midterm Elections

Everytown for Gun Safety – along with their subsidiaries, Mom Demand Action and Students Demand Action – are gearing up for the 2022 midterm elections. The Michael Bloomberg-financed gun control organization is bankrolling $3 million on their “Demand a Seat” campaign, which “trains” anti-Second Amendment candidates to run for office. As Everytown describes the effort … Read more

TFW You Realize All the ATF Rules and Gun Control Bills in the World Will Never Disarm the American People

Let’s start with the fact that there are enough guns in this country so that every man, woman and child could have one. Add to that a couple of Supreme Court decisions that enshrine gun ownership alongside freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as constitutionally hallowed rights. On top of that is the fact that even such modest … Read more