A Pilgrimage to the CMP North Store

If you like military surplus weaponry, either as a shooter or a collector, then you’re probably familiar with the Civilian Marksmanship Program(CMP). In addition to promoting marksmanship and hosting the prestigious Camp Perry service rifle shoots, the CMP also runs the program where U.S. citizens can get surplus M1 Garands, 1911s and occasionally other rifles … Read more

How You Can Save The CMP Sports for a New Generation

I’ve been writing about the Civilian Marksmanship Program matches at Camp Perry for the last few weeks. I built my own rifle for the President’s 100 match with the help of Brownell’s, talked ammo and optics, and interviewed some of the young people who represent the future of the sport. Today we are taking a … Read more

A First-Timer Shoots in the CMP President’s 100 Match

I have been going to Camp Perry for over half my life. I have been shooting in the Civilian Marksmanship Program sports for that entire time and have learned a few things about what it takes to be competitive on the line. That said, I have only shot in the Springfield, Garand, and Vintage matches. … Read more

Building a CMP Match-Grade AR Service Rifle for the President’s 100

In the first article in this series I detailed the history and legacy of the President’s 100 rifle match held annually at the Camp Perry National Matches. The President’s 100 has changed over the years and the gear used in it is very different than what used to be standard fare. Today we are going … Read more

The Road to the President’s 100: Match History and Tradition

It was at this past SHOT Show that I first came up with the idea to do an in-depth series on the National Matches, particularly the President’s 100 Match. I’ve written about the Civilian Marksmanship Program sports before, but my experience there was much more in the vein of my own interest. In this six-part … Read more

How To Get Started In Competition Shooting

I’ve been active on the competitive shooting scene since I was fourteen years old. In that time I have learned a great deal and have been constantly and regularly humbled by the amazing and dedicated people I meet on the way. Today we will be taking a candid look at what it takes to get … Read more

The CMP’s 1911 Order Period is Open

Just a reminder for all you gunnies hoping to get your hands on one of the 8000 1911 pistols that were released for sale through the Civilian Marksmanship Program that the order period is now open. The CMP will continue to accept orders through October 4 and will award guns on a lottery basis. Full … Read more

CMP Publishes Pricing on Milsurp M1911 and M1911A1 Pistols

You know those 1911 pistols that gun owners have been eagerly waiting for since they were finally authorized under the National Defense Authorization Act? Well the Civilian Marksmanship Program has them and they’ve just announced pricing. But to get one, you’ll have to be lucky. First, the Secretary of the Army only released 8000 pistols … Read more