Gear Review: Swampfox Blade 1×25 Prism Sight

What is the point of a 1X prism sight? Some will most certainly point out that a 1X prism is a red dot replacement for those with astigmatism. The dot in a prism sight won’t streak, blur and go crazy like a standard red dot for those who suffer from astigmatism. That’s true, but a … Read more

Self-Defense Tip: Inoculate Yourself to Physical Stress

Several weeks ago my younger brother was a victim of a strong-arm robbery. Two assailants attacked him from behind, immobilized him, ransacked his pockets and stole his wallet and phone. Afterwards, he couldn’t recall how he’d ended up on the ground. You could say that the attack’s success highlights a failure of situational awareness. And you’d be right. But it’s also important because the incident shows the need to “inoculate” yourself against stress. So that you can fight back when you find yourself at a supreme disadvantage, well behind the curve. It’s funny that  . . .

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