“EAR” Restrictions Imposed On 3D Printed Firearms

  Among these FAQs, for instance, it’s made clear that a BIS license is now required to post online ‘‘any file, including any CAD file, that once converted will be in an executable code for the production of a firearm.” 3D Printing Industry has a great article on how the U.S. Bureau of Industry and … Read more

Gun Control: That Ship Has Sailed

Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro waved his magic wand and made everything a firearm, with sales of raw materials subject to background checks. But even the Pennsylvania courts are having trouble with that bit of hocus pocus. To rub a little salt in the wound, CTRL-Pew also struck back with the Joshie Washie 9. This … Read more

When CAD Software Is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Design Aircraft

I’ve questioned New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal‘s intelligence and sanity since he sued a California company last year under the novel legal theory that a nonexistent New Jersey law applies to a California gun parts seller. I blame the lead in New Jersey’s water for the Attorney General’s impairment. In his latest excursion into … Read more