What I’m Carrying Now: A Colt Army Special ‘Snake Gun’ and a Snake Bite Kit

Virgil Caldwell writes . . . This is a beautiful, tight, smooth Colt Army Special from 1908. The problem is, when I found it in the pawn shop someone had sawed the barrel off to three inches and they hadn’t fitted it with any type of front sight. The job was very nice, even the … Read more

Gun Review: Colt Single Action Army Revolver in .45 Colt

By Virgil Caldwell Colt enjoys perhaps the greatest name recognition of any gun maker. Iconic handguns and the uses they have been put to in times of war and trouble are part of the reason. Solid performing handguns is another. While I prefer the Government Model 1911 .45 for concealed carry and personal defense, I … Read more

Gun Review: Colt King Cobra .357 Revolver

I’m a Colt fan. Part of that is because of the history of the company, but no doubt the bigger part is because my dad kept a stainless Colt Python by the bedside. I grew up in awe of that big wheel gun, and like my dad, had supreme confidence in its capabilities. Since then, … Read more

New From Colt: Cobra .38 Revolver

While the barrier to entry is certainly high, enterprising companies still get into the revolver business from time to time. Last year it was Kimber with their impressive K6s. This year it’s a more familiar one-time wheelgun maker. The rampant pony rides again, now stamped to the frame of the resurrected Colt Cobra snubby. This pre-SHOT … Read more