The Guns of the Highway Patrol: A Three-Way Six-Incher Showdown:

There was once a time when your average Highway Patrolman anywhere in the U.S. carried a six shooter, but not just any six shooter. Oh no, they carried six-inch blasters chambered in the mythical cartridge known as the .357 Magnum. Yes boys and girls, there was once a time when the cops tasked with patrolling … Read more

Original Wheel Gun Showdown: Smith & Wesson Model 686 vs Colt Python

Two classics going head to head. Yes, I know, the Colt Python and the Smith & Wesson Model 686 have been compared ad nauseam, especially since the Python was reborn. This is slightly different since both guns are originals; the Colt was made in 1978 and the S&W was made in 1988. I am not … Read more

Is The Revolver Dead? Is That a Trick Question?

That was the question asked back in 1989. The Era of the Wondernine was upon us. Higher capacity 9mm semi-autos that held 15 or  17 rounds was becoming the new standard. Technological wonders from Smith & Wesson, Ruger, GLOCK, SIG SAUER, HK, Beretta, and others were hitting store shelves and could been seen in police … Read more

The Colt Cowboy: An Example of Why the Consumer Shouldn’t Always Be Listened To

Over and over again, on various online forums, social media platforms, and in the local gun shops. We hear people constantly say, “If company X made product Y, I’d buy it!” Right now, I constantly hear that in regard to Smith & Wesson and their M&P Series. Folks are harping about how Big Blue should … Read more

BREAKING: CZ In Late Stage Talks to Acquire Colt

Apparently struggling since emerging from bankruptcy in 2016, Colt has likely drawn the eye of potential buyers ever since. Now, thanks to CZ (Česká zbrojovka) parent company CZ Group’s public filings, we know it is attempting to purchase all of Colt’s Manufacturing Company‘s assets and is well along in this process. Translated from an article … Read more

My Grandfather’s 1943 Union Switch & Signal M1911A1

Within two months of his eighteenth birthday, my grandpa left the Bronx, New York and was inducted into the Army of the United States. His listed civilian occupation was “boilermaker,” but he was on his way to an MOS of Intelligence Observer 518 in the 209th AAA Automatic Weapons Battalion in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater. He … Read more

Gun Review: Colt 1911 Government Series 80 .45 ACP

On March 29, 1911, Lt. Col. John T. Thompson of the U.S. Ordnance Department sent a letter to Colt’s in Hartford, Connecticut. The purpose was to inform them that the military testing held at Springfield Armory just two weeks prior had concluded and John Moses Browning’s 1911 design produced by Colt had come out on … Read more

2019 Gun Goals: Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day

Here we have a Colt in a leather holster and a day planner that won’t do much good now that it’s 2019. Speaking of which, have you made any training plans for 2019? Do you have specific goals like speeding up your draw stroke or perfecting the Dot Torture Test? Let’s hear those 2019 gun-related … Read more

How Sam Colt Used Nitrous Oxide to Fund His Firearms Entrepreneurship

“Dr. Coult of New York, London and Calcutta.” That’s how the up-and-coming firearm inventor billed himself while exhibiting the effects of nitrous oxide in the 1830s. Traveling the country as a “practiced chemist,” Colt used the nitrous demonstrations as a way to raise money for the development of his firearms. In October 1833, an ad … Read more