The Bladeless Swiss Army Non-Knife Shows Us The Future of Gun Control

When someone calls for “common sense” or “reasonable” gun control laws, the counter-argument is usually that such “reasonable” laws won’t remain reasonable. The “common sense, reasonable” answer to that is gun people are being paranoid, and that the use of a slippery slope argument is, all by itself, enough to show that we’re using fallacious … Read more

Gun Charges Against 4th Grader Dropped Over BB Gun Seen in Online Class

Online learning for our nation’s children has come with a lot of downsides, both for the kids and America’s parents. A recent case in Louisiana exposes one of the many drawbacks: an invasion of privacy. When a teacher saw a BB gun in a student’s bedroom during class, the educator called the police, claiming the … Read more

Forget About Those ‘Commonsense Discussions’ Gun-Grabbers Always Claim They Want

Can you have a commonsense discussion with a gun grabber who smears his feces on the wall and calls it “commonsense gun legislation?” Can you have a commonsense discussion with legislators who abuse the powers of their offices to shut down legitimate businesses merely because they sell a (perfectly legal) product that they do not like? Can … Read more

Karpacs: The Gun Culture Plaguing America Hides Behind an Archaic Document

This might read like talking points copied and pasted straight from a Moms Demand Action email blast or a Feinstein Senate floor speech, but there are a lot of people — people who vote — who are pushing their representatives this way. Guns. We must address legislatively the gun culture plaguing and spawning violence in … Read more

Is There Anyone On The Anti-Gun Side Who’s Still Willing to Talk? Does It Matter Any More?

By MarkPA “Poor people own guns. The elite have bodyguards.”  So opines Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Magazine. Progressive elites imagine that drumming the message of gun control will get out the vote of the traditionally captive constituents of the Democrat Party. Instead, they might be having precisely the opposite effect. Feelings about gun-control range widely … Read more

Self Defense Tip: How Not to Get Caught by the TSA with a Loaded Gun in your Bag

In the 1950s, a student of his offered my dad 10% ownership in a company that planned to criss-cross the Continental United States in a plane outfitted with a Geiger counter, to look for Uranium. For $10,000. That was all the money my folks had in the bank. He passed. They discovered the largest uranium deposit in the USA. So I’m not the one to follow when it comes to predictions. But I’ll got out on a limb here and predict that I will never, EVER get caught with a loaded gun in my bag when I fly. And I’ll bet that if you follow the one simple rule that I do, neither will you . . .

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God Bless John Stossel


John Stossel. The very name elicits some interesting reactions, depending upon who’s talking. Libertarians love him, and count him as one of their own. Conservatives admire him, but occasionally find he rubs them the wrong way. Liberals loathe him, as his favorite sport seems to be shooting every sacred cow in their hallowed herd of celebrated causes. In short, John Stossel likes to rock the boat. A lot.

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