Finally, the Commonsense Gun Control Compromise We Really Need

Here is my proposed gun control compromise following the latest attack on children that millions of us did not commit. Ready? You gun fascists can kiss my Schumer and we keep our guns. In fact, let’s also repeal the National Firearms Act and impose national constitutional carry. I think this compromise fairly balances our respective … Read more

DC Project: Common Sense Is Not Stealing the Right of the American People to Protect Themselves

  From the DC Project . . . The DC Project, Women for Gun Rights, a nationwide grassroots organization of women dedicated to safeguarding the Second Amendment, today released a new video titled, We’re on Offense Now. The educational video explains the truth about the demonization of gun owners and that misinformation about responsible gun ownership … Read more

Is ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Even a Thing?

By MarkPA Back when I was in high school, we spoke simply of “gun control.” Congress passed “An Act to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for better control of the interstate traffic in firearms”, more simply called the “Gun Control Act of 1968”. Somewhere along the way, the rhetoric changed. The phrase … Read more

There’s Nothing Common Sense About ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Laws

By MarkPA Gun control advocates speak constantly about “common sense gun laws.” The phrase runs trippingly off the tongue. Gun rights advocates respond that most existing gun laws, and all proposed laws, defy “common sense.” This phrase “common sense”, as used in the gun debate, contradicts the plain meaning of the term, so it obscures … Read more

Gun Control is the Modern Temperance Movement

By Theresa Inacker 100 years after Prohibition, it’s still a doomed proposition There is an uncanny parallel between anti-gun rights groups like Moms Demand Action, which continually seeks more ineffective gun control laws, and the infamous women of the temperance movement, which brought about the failed experiment of Prohibition. In 1920, Prohibition outlawed the sale, manufacturing … Read more

Martin: Republicans Need to Pay a Price for Support of ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control Laws

Time and again laws already on the books could have or should have been used to stop (murderers) from obtaining weapons. From the Sandy Hook shooting to Parkland, Florida, to El Paso and Dayton, law enforcement either had the tools and did not use them to stop these shooters early or the background system worked and … Read more

Please Repeat: Registration Leads to Confiscation…Any Questions?

In any debate, it’s generally not a good idea to invoke Nazism. The first one to do that generally loses. Godwin’s law and all that. But that doesn’t always mean the underlying argument is without merit. In 1941, Congress passed the Property Requisition Act. The government, in anticipation of war, authorized the government to take … Read more

No One Really Needs to Have a Pool in Their Yard

By Dr. Latebloomer In the news recently, was another celebrity toddler drowning. As horrible as that is, this tragedy was one of over 3500 unintentional drownings that occur yearly in the U.S. , not counting boating accidents. Skier Bode Miller‘s family experienced a similar heartache just last year. Why am I bringing up these horrible toddler deaths on … Read more

Chris Murphy’s ‘Smart Gun’ Bill Misses the Mark

By Larry Keane Anti-gun politicians in the 116th Congress have no shortage of ideas when it comes to different ways of threatening the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners in America. The misnomer phrase “common sense gun safety” includes misguided and ineffective policies such as requiring background checks to purchase ammunition or requiring so-called “smart gun” … Read more