Finally, the Commonsense Gun Control Compromise We Really Need

Here is my proposed gun control compromise following the latest attack on children that millions of us did not commit. Ready? You gun fascists can kiss my Schumer and we keep our guns. In fact, let’s also repeal the National Firearms Act and impose national constitutional carry. I think this compromise fairly balances our respective … Read more

Gun Control is the Modern Temperance Movement

By Theresa Inacker 100 years after Prohibition, it’s still a doomed proposition There is an uncanny parallel between anti-gun rights groups like Moms Demand Action, which continually seeks more ineffective gun control laws, and the infamous women of the temperance movement, which brought about the failed experiment of Prohibition. In 1920, Prohibition outlawed the sale, manufacturing … Read more

Forget About Those ‘Commonsense Discussions’ Gun-Grabbers Always Claim They Want

Can you have a commonsense discussion with a gun grabber who smears his feces on the wall and calls it “commonsense gun legislation?” Can you have a commonsense discussion with legislators who abuse the powers of their offices to shut down legitimate businesses merely because they sell a (perfectly legal) product that they do not like? Can … Read more

Please Repeat: Registration Leads to Confiscation…Any Questions?

In any debate, it’s generally not a good idea to invoke Nazism. The first one to do that generally loses. Godwin’s law and all that. But that doesn’t always mean the underlying argument is without merit. In 1941, Congress passed the Property Requisition Act. The government, in anticipation of war, authorized the government to take … Read more

Random Thoughts About Common Sense Gun Control

“The Utah gun law that canceled a USU speech is an embarrassment,” declares. Backstory: feminist videogame reviewer Anita Sarkeesian gets a death threat before a planned speech at Utah State University. USU checks it out and deems it incredible. Unsatisfied, Sarkeesian demands a no-guns policy at the venue, including pat-downs and a metal detector. USU says “You … Read more