Yablon on the NRA’s Unholy Alliance With Cops and Gun Owners

Former Bloomberg lackey Alex Yablon has taken to the pages of The New Republic to review a new book by racialist University of Arizona sociologist Jennifer Carlson titled Policing the Second Amendment. The book’s (and Yablon’s) conclusion seems to be that decades of “collusion” between the National Rifle Association and law enforcement has created a … Read more

Florida Man Tries Two Carjackings, Discovers Both Drivers Are Carrying Guns

Before the Parkland shooting and Governor Rick Scott’s capitulation to the forces of civilian disarmament, Florida was affectionately known as The Gunshine State. That moniker was earned for having the most citizens with concealed carry permits in the nation…nearly 1.8 million. One side benefit of all those armed law-abiders going about their business is that … Read more