Police Helpless to Stop Chicago Crime as Residents Tool Up

Thanks to a George Soros-funded (to the tune of $2 million) State’s Attorney who selectively charges those arrested for committing crimes, and a political leadership class bent on defunding and destaffing the police, Chicago’s crime rate continues to surge. No surprise there. Carjackings are rampant, as are shootings and murders. To combat the utter failure … Read more

Lott: 7.14% of Americans Have Carry Licenses, Up 273% Since 2007

John Lott has released a new report that has a lot of bad news for the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex. His research shows that 7.14% of Americans now have concealed carry licenses. Incredibly, that number has exploded 273% since 2007. Clearly more and more Americans vote with their wallets when it comes to guns and … Read more