The Problem with Red Flag Laws

Connecticut, the first state in the country to pass a red flag law, provides just one example of the law’s shortcomings in combatting gun violence. After voluntarily committing himself to a psychiatric ward at Midstate Medical Center in Meriden, Connecticut, Michael Mollow alarmed authorities when he disclosed “homicidal ideations” toward his girlfriend, Caroline Anne Ashworth, … Read more

Connecticut Legislators Take a Breather on Passing More Gun Laws

One year after enacting significant enhancements to its gun control laws, Connecticut legislators appear to have shifted away from pursuing further restrictive measures on firearms during this year’s budget session, according to legislative leaders CT Insider is reporting. State Rep. Steve Stafstrom, D-Bridgeport, co-chairman of the Connecticut Legislature’s Judiciary Committee, indicated that the focus this … Read more

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition: Connecticut Church Begins Armed Neighborhood Patrols

In Hartford, Connecticut, a unique initiative has been launched by a group of residents associated with the Self-Defense Brigade and Walk In The Light Church of God, who have started conducting armed neighborhood patrols, Fox 61 reports. Their mission began on a Saturday with a dual agenda: educating participants about Connecticut’s gun laws and engaging … Read more

Connecticut Democrat Proposes Fining Those Who Do Not Exercise Rights

Connecticut state Senator Will Haskell has a plan; a Proposed Bill No. 180 would institute a $20 fine for not voting. That title 9 of the general statutes be amended to provide that (1) at the 2024 state election and each state election thereafter, all qualified electors shall either cast a ballot or provide a … Read more

Why the Remington Case Cert Denial Matters More Than You Think

I have noticed a disturbing trend in the Supreme Court, considering that many people believe it to be a majority-conservative court with the appointments of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. The Supreme Court unanimously rejected an appeal for a temporary stay of enforcement of the bump-stock-type device ban. That means Trump’s we’re sure they’ll be pro-2A … Read more

Ray Bevis: Connecticut Pushing ‘Stop and Frisk’ Bill for Gun Owners

Looks like Connecticut hopes to expand their gun control laws by rather a lot in the coming year and one of the bills removes serious liberties from gun owners: “This year we’re going to put forward four bills that we think will improve safety here in the State of Connecticut,” said Rep. Steve Stafstrom, the … Read more

CT Road Sign Shooter Alexander Czaja: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day

Having grown up in a city, I’m not entirely familiar with the tradition of shooting road signs. Do you shoot the signs from a moving vehicle? Is there a preferred firearm/caliber? Anyway, I was certainly aware of the practice, encountering plenty of buckshot-mottled steel signage out in the country. And it is for sure illegal; … Read more

Quote of the Day: Second Amendment Rights Are Not Absolute (In Connecticut)

“Our constitutional rights are not absolute. You don’t have the right to walk into the state Supreme Court with a firearm. You don’t have the right to walk into a public school in this state with a firearm. … If you go to a Starbucks in Newtown with a pistol on your hip, that’s going … Read more

Death Toll Rises to 8 (or possibly 9) in CT Shooting

As if there wasn’t enough hot buttons pushed with this story already, now we learn that there’s a racial component to it. The perp, Omar Thornton, was a black man, who’d previously complained to his girlfriend about racial discrimination at work.

Via Fox News:

DEVELOPING: State Police sources are telling the Hartford Courant that eight people are dead in a Tuesday morning workplace shooting at a beer distributorship in Manchester, Conn.

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