Is Governor Fallin Failing the Constitutional Carry Test?

The Oklahoma Senate passed a constitutional carry bill on May 2. The bill was sent to Governor Mary Fallin’s desk…where it remains. The popular bill passed both the House and the Senate by veto-proof margins. But the legislature no longer has the power to override a veto because they’ve adjourned for the year. From … Read more

OK: Constitutional Carry Heads to Governor Fallin’s Desk

The Oklahoma Senate passed SB 1212 this week which would make Oklahoma a constitutional carry state. The bill is now headed to Governor Mary Fallin’s desk. The popular bill passed both the House and the Senate by veto proof margins. From which paints Second Amendment rights as somehow controversial: On a 33-8 vote, the Oklahoma … Read more

Constitutional Carry Passes Oklahoma House

Yesterday the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed a constitutional carry bill, SB 1212, 59-28. The measure had already passed the Senate unanimously in March but as a bill removing wildlife refuges as gun free zones. Opponents made the same arguments against constitutional carry heard in all the other states where it’s now law. From Other critics … Read more

NY Times Acknowledges the Need for National Concealed Carry Reciprocity – Quote of the Day

“As you know, there is absolutely no national consensus when it comes to the right to carry a concealed weapon in public places. You have Missouri, where you can just buy a gun and put it in your pocket. You have places like California, where people are carefully screened, trained and tested before they can … Read more

Departure of Michigan’s John Conyers Would Be a Mixed Blessing for Gun Rights

Unless you’ve been exploring the depths of the Mariana Trench or gazing at the northern lights in Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland, you’re probably aware that many of our most outspoken paragons of virtue and supporters of feminist ideals have been busy groping unconscious entertainers and attending meetings in their skivvies. While various Democrat leaders have been furiously backing … Read more

Texas Attorney General Paxton: More Guns, Less Death [VIDEO]

“Texans can help prevent mass shootings by carrying concealed guns, Attorney General Ken Paxton said Sunday, hours after 26 people were killed in a church in Sutherland Springs,” reports. “This is going to happen again. All I can say is in Texas at least we have the opportunity to have conceal carry. And so … Read more

Texas Constitutional Carry Talking Points

Rachel Malone (above) is a mover and shaker in the Lone Star State. The formerly unpaid gun rights lobbyist (and concert level pianist) recently became the Operations Director for the Republican Party of Texas (RPT). Last weekend, the Divine Ms. M invited me to address a small group of constitutional carry (CC) advocates at the RPT’s … Read more

Michigan House Passes Constitutional Carry. Will Governor Snyder Sign?

The Michigan House passed four bills on Wednesday, June 7th, that effectively would reform Michgan gun law to make Constitutional Carry legal in the state. People who where not prohibited from owning firearms would be able to carry weapons concealed without special government permission. From LANSING, MI — Michiganders would no longer need a … Read more

Constitutional Carry Introduced in Georgia

Six Georgia legislators have introduced a bill, HB 156, titled the “Georgia Constitutional Carry Act of 2017.” The bill would do away with prohibitions of carrying arms in parks, historic sites, or recreational areas, and changes references that allow the carry of arms from “license holder” to “lawful weapons carrier.” The effect of the bill would be … Read more