Murder City, USA: Impotent Chicago Mayor Retreats When Kid Tells Her to ‘Go Home’ [VIDEO]

While Illinois citizens remain subject to a state-wide lockdown, someone forgot to tell the bad guys. Consistent with past practice, with warmer weather, the Chicago’s violence increased over the weekend. The bad guys racked up five murders and 44 others maimed in Murder City, USA. Meanwhile, tough-talking Mayor Lori Lightfoot turned tail and ran when … Read more

Chicago’s Political Elites Bicker While The Bodies Pile Higher

Chicago’s broken, revolving door criminal justice system has led to trouble in paradise between Chicago’s new mayor Lori Lightfoot and her mayoral campaign opponent, County Board Chairwoman Toni Preckwinkle. Meanwhile, as the two powerful women bicker among one another, the bodies continue to pile higher in the Windy City. John Kass, the well-known Chicago columnist, … Read more