The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Has Created a De Facto Federal 10-Day Waiting Period for Gun Sales to Adults Under 21

Remember the wonderfully-named Bipartisan Safer Communities Act? That’s the federal gun control bill that Joe Biden and the Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex crowed endlessly about passing last year. It was portrayed as a huge victory for the superannuated Commander In Chief and it made it through Congress in the fevered post-Uvalde climate when Texas Senator … Read more

The Cornyn-Murphy Senate Gun Control Bill – Half a Victory Lap Along With a Countervailing Setback

Dr. Jeffrey W.Swanson is part of a small community of American academics — about two dozen in all — focused exclusively on studying gun violence and how to prevent it. Washington has often stood in their way; for 24 years, Congress effectively barred the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from funding their work. Federal … Read more

Biden Signs Cornyn-Murphy Gun Control Bill Into Law – ‘Lives Will Be Saved’

From the AP . . . President Joe Biden on Saturday signed the most sweeping gun control bill in decades, a bipartisan compromise that seemed unimaginable until a recent series of mass shootings, including the massacre of 19 students and two teachers at a Texas elementary school. “Lives will be saved,” he said at the White House. Citing … Read more

The House Quickly Passes the Cornyn-Murphy Senate Gun Control Bill, Sending it to Biden for His Signature

Anxious to vote and get the hell out of Washington, DC for their scheduled two-week break (and before the city burns) the House of Representatives quickly rubber-stamped the Cornyn-Murphy gun control bill today after it cleared the Senate late last night. Much like the Senate, 14 Republicans voted for the bill in the House (15 … Read more

One Texan’s Message for John Cornyn After Caving to Democrats on Gun Control

By LKB Recently, I sent a message to my sellout Texas Senator, John Cornyn. Inter alia, I pointed out that while I have supported him for decades (going back to his Texas Supreme Court races), his caving to the Democrats on gun rights meant I will never do so again. Here is the canned response … Read more