Americans’ ‘Antipathy to Facts’ is the Problem Where COVID and Guns are Concerned

An editorial published by the editorial board Minneapolis’ StarTribune is beats what has become a familiar drum by claiming guns and COVID have a great deal in common: Nothing will bring back the loved ones we’ve lost to the pandemic, but at least we’ll be worrying about our old familiar foes — heart disease, for … Read more

Malte: California’s Gun Sales Surge Means More Risk, More Death

Brian Malte, writing for the Times of San Diego, has taken a look across the Golden State and feels that the surge in gun sales in California means impending death. Approximately 110,000 Californians have purchased a gun since March including an astonishing 47,000 first-time buyers. The nationwide gun-buying surges are fueling increases in fatal and … Read more

Rutgers: Buying a Gun During Pandemic Means You’re Suicidal (Probably)

NewsWise recently reported on a study by Rutgers that was published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine: People who purchase a firearm during the pandemic are more likely to be suicidal than other firearm owners, according to a Rutgers study. The study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, found that about 70 … Read more

Missouri Doctors: Gun Violence and COVID-19 are the Same Thing

According to, doctors in Missouri are equating gun violence to coronavirus. Grabbed from the article: “There’s no part of medicine that’s safe from the impact of gun violence anymore,” Mueller said. “Just like COVID, it’s touching every aspect of our medical care.” Gun violence was already difficult to manage before the pandemic, but now … Read more

CAP: COVID-19 Gun Sales Surge Proves Dangerous Loopholes Exist

In an article titled “Dangerous Gaps in Gun Laws Exposed by the Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge”  the Center for American Progress went on at some length regarding their belief the COVID-19-related gun sales spike proves there are too many loopholes in gun laws: Just as the coronavirus pandemic has exposed gaps within the U.S. health … Read more

Even in New York: Gun Sales Have Doubled in the Empire State

Here’s a news snippet that’ll warm your gun-loving heart. According to Fox Business, New Yorkers bought more than twice the number of guns in June, 2020 than they did the same month last year. Specifically, there was a 121 percent increase in gun sales in that one-month stretch. The exact breakdown was a total of … Read more

Michigan Gov. Whitmer’s Rough Week Includes Seeing ‘Men With Automatic Rifles’ Outside Her Home

Poor Governor Gretchen Whitmer. Michigan’s gun rights-hating authoritarian governor has suffered through some bad days of late. Her most recent cry for help? On Tuesday, she bemoaned how her family can see men with “automatic rifles” from the front window of her home. And she’s not talking about the Michigan cops on her protective detail. … Read more

Tyranny of the Snitches: If ‘Karens’ Will Snitch on You for Playing in a Park, They’ll Definitely Do It Over Your Guns

America has edged closer to tyranny this year. We’ve seen, first hand, how far too many of our governors, state officials and even local law enforcement stand ready, willing and able to trample Americans’ fundamental constitutional protections. And they’ve used the coronavirus as an excuse to do it. Regrettably, we’ve also seen nosy neighbors call … Read more

Illinois Governor Pritzker Orders Masks as of May 1, But Mask + Gun = Felony Under Illinois Law

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker issued an executive order last week requiring residents to wear masks in public effective May 1st. However, the order puts gun owners in jeopardy with Illinois firearms laws. From the May 1, 2020 executive order . . . “Wearing a face covering in public places or when working. Any individual who … Read more