What Gun, What Ammo, and What to Do Now

[ED: We originally ran this post in March of 2020. You’ll probably remember what things were like then. COVID is no longer the issue it was and ammo is far more plentiful, but we have other problems and lots of people seem to be anticipating interesting times in the next 12 months. My next door … Read more

Midway Has the Federal 5.56x45mm M855 Bulk Ammunition You Need Now

You can’t find the 5.56 ammunition you really need. All you’ve seen for weeks are empty shelves. No one has any in stock. No one except Midway USA. Midway got their hands on a huge shipment of top quality full metal jacket Federal M855 5.56 NATO green tip ammunition and they’re selling it in ammo cans … Read more

Americans Still Waiting in Line for Hours to Buy Guns, Ammunition

[Gun store owner David] Liu lived through the 1992 Los Angeles riots, triggered by the acquittal of police officers charged in the brutal beating of Rodney King. As parts of the city burned, Asian-American communities such as the one in Koreatown had to fend for themselves. For the first three days of looting, the police … Read more

Ammopocalypse Now! and Other COVID19-Induced Hysteria [VIDEO]

This is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal and legislative news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. For a deeper dive into the topics discussed here, check out this week in gun rights at FPC.  Pandemic sales surge ravages the ammo market Crises — real ones — remind us that the world is not a … Read more

Uber Ammo? New Jersey Gun Dealer Delivering Ammunition to Customers’ Homes

By Theresa Inacker Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners sponsor Derek Pitera, President of SC Arms of Spotswood, New Jersey, an FFL licensed and insured firearms dealer, is meeting the needs of the Second Amendment community in New Jersey by making curbside delivery of ammunition to his customers’ homes. In a telephone interview this afternoon … Read more

Ammogeddon II: Stories from the Gun Store Sales Floor [VIDEO]

I’m a gun dealer. I’ve seen some crazy stuff over the years and I have some interesting stories. Ever since last Friday, our phones have been ringing off the hook with requests for ammo, guns and just about everything else we sell. There’s an incredible amount of fear, uncertainty and doubt floating around out there. … Read more

NSSF Asks Homeland Security to Designate Gun Manufacturers, Retailers a ‘National Critical Infrastructure Industry’

As more states issue shelter-in-place orders, closing businesses and confining people to their homes unless shopping for food or medicine, the nation’s firearms and ammunition manufacturers have begun to be affected. Case in point: yesterday’s shutdown of the Remington factory in Ilion, New York. The industry produces firearms, ammunition, optics, and other equipment for military, … Read more

Hornady: We’re Committed to Maintaining Production [VIDEO]

From Hornady . . . Hornady Manufacturing Company is still in full operation and will endeavor to conduct business as usual through the coronavirus crisis. We are committed to keep production going during this situation. We encourage our partners and vendors to continue to supply our operations. Please keep us abreast of your status and … Read more

Ammogeddon II: How Much Ammunition is Enough Now?

We’ve all seen the headlines and “breaking news” reports expressing delighted horror over the “stockpile” found in a suspect’s home. Maybe it’s three rifles and 250 rounds of ammo. Maybe it’s 10 rifles and 1,000 rounds of ammo. HUGE arsenal of guns and ammunition found in the home of…. Amounts of ammo that strike terror in … Read more