New Coronavirus Gun Owners Could Change the Gun Control Debate

An influx of new gun owners has the potential to permanently alter the politics surrounding guns in the United States. If industry estimates are correct, millions of Americans across the country have become first-time gun buyers since March. If the experience changes their minds about the ongoing debate over gun control it could tip the balance of … Read more

Gun-Grabbers’ Nightmare: The Firearm Buying Boom Is Changing Hearts and Minds

The new gun buyer said the Zoom [training] session was part of his attempt to be responsible. [Trainer Chuck] Rossi, hefting his own high-end AR-15, recapped the principles of gun safety: always keep the weapon’s muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire. Be aware of … Read more

Americans Continue to Buy Guns and Ammunition in Record Numbers

Matthew Rosky, a North Carolinian who bought a Benelli 12-gauge shotgun for himself and a 20-gauge shotgun for his wife on April 4, said he doesn’t “plan on being relieved of my property or my life if it comes to that.” He said the couple lost their home to a landslide in 2019 and the … Read more

Gun Control Is High On The List Of Things That Will Never Be the Same After COVID-19

Our morally superior betters in the media and among the fabulist grifters who run America’s Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex aren’t showing it, but behind the scenes, they’re panicked by photos like the one above. That’s Stephanie the Suburban Soccer Mom dipping into her savings to buy a pistol, a shotgun, a case, and plenty of … Read more

National Level Trainers Offering Free Beginning Gun Handling Videos

As the United States locked down and multiple city police forces started publicizing what criminal events they would no longer respond to,  the American public grew fearful.   Formerly non-gun households purchased guns. Reports are that more than 5 million guns were sold in the first quarter of 2020,  and 2.5 million of them were in … Read more

Why North Americans Are Buying So Many Guns During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Noah S. Schwartz, Carleton University The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a surge in gun sales. Estimates based on background checks show that an estimated 2.6 million guns were sold in the United States in March. That is an 85 percent increase over the same period last year. While there are no official numbers, gun stores … Read more

Liberal Gun Buyers Discover Their Hatred of Firearms Was A Matter of Projection

While it’s nice to see some businesses flourishing in these scary times, [gun store owner Gregg] Bouslog says that safety has been a huge issue at the range, as many first-time buyers seem to have gotten all of their notions about guns and gun safety from television. We tried to look at just who the … Read more

Industry Response Validates the ‘Essential’ Work of Keeping Gun Businesses Open

By Larry Keane The firearm industry is open for business. With exceptions of trouble spots in a couple of states, the hard work is paying off. Americans, many for the first time, are buying firearms in record numbers, manufacturers are keeping pace with production, distribution is working overtime backfill empty shelves and doors at retailers … Read more

Buying, Safety, Training and Carry Resources for America’s New Gun Owners

It’s no secret that America now has hundreds of thousands of new gun owners thanks to the Chinese coronavirus national emergency. Gun stores have been swamped first time buyers and the industry is working overtime to meet the continuing demand for guns and ammunition. Welcome to each and every new gun owner. We’re glad you’re … Read more