Are You Welcoming All the New Gun Owners or Asking Them Where the Hell They’ve Been?

Some gun rights figures seem torn about whether to wholeheartedly welcome the newcomers, many of whom they see as their longtime cultural adversaries. [Lee] Williams began a recent post, entitled “Now, even anti-gun Californians want a gun,” with a dictionary definition of “hypocrisy.” [David] Codrea uses a different term. “I see some resentment,” he told … Read more

Americans Buying Firearms Show That The Gun Control Orgs Have Clearly Lost the Argument

Do you feel badly, Mr. and Mrs. America, knowing how much you’ve let down the leaders of nation’s gun control industry in the last few weeks? Because you really should. All of you who are buying firearms, particularly you first-timers, have really disappointed our moral and intellectual betters in the anti-gun community. Sure, police departments … Read more

How Far Will Would-Be Tyrants Get Before America’s Gun Owners Say ‘Enough’?

Politicians both left and right love to talk about how they support civil rights. But when some get their hands on power and an opportunity presents itself, they become heavy-handed, paternalistic tyrants. Yes, actions speak louder than words and some pols find that a pair of jackboots fit them quite well. Even before this new … Read more