Can’t Buy a Gun Now? Why Not Use a Black Powder Revolver For Home and Self Defense?

Since buying conventional cartridge firearms is difficult at best right now, have you thought about buying a black powder revolver for self-defense? Specifically, the cap and ball variety. We’re talking about the cowboy action guns, meaning those chambered in .38 Special, .44-40, .44 Special and light .45 Colt. If you can’t get your hands on … Read more

Americans Still Waiting in Line for Hours to Buy Guns, Ammunition

[Gun store owner David] Liu lived through the 1992 Los Angeles riots, triggered by the acquittal of police officers charged in the brutal beating of Rodney King. As parts of the city burned, Asian-American communities such as the one in Koreatown had to fend for themselves. For the first three days of looting, the police … Read more

Overwhelmed Gun Stores Refusing to Process Online Purchase Transfers

One of the ways that Americans who haven’t been able to find the firearms they want right now locally have been coping with the current gun buying surge is to order online. While their inventories have been hit hard too, online sellers like Brownells, Cabela’s, Palmetto State Armory, Rainier Arms, Faxon Firearms, Aero Precision and … Read more

Post-Gazette: Buying Firearms and Carrying a Gun Right Now Isn’t Helpful

Hey, you dumb rubes, turn on CNN! Educate yourselves a little! Don’t you know you can’t shoot the virus?! Why don’t you go get in line at a grocery store and buy some toilet paper? Packing heat is not a helpful response to the crisis caused by COVID-19. It won’t be necessary to be armed … Read more

Welcome All the New Gun Owners Who Are Now Buying Firearms…But . . .

By Theresa Inacker People desperate to make a first time gun purchase are learning that it is not so easy. They are realizing that the anti-rights cadre, like Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety, have been spewing dangerous lies, which might very well have deadly consequences. There is a sense of insecurity bubbling … Read more

With a 10-Day Waiting Period, Mandatory Stay-At-Home Order Means California Buyers Can’t Get Their Guns

The national gun sales surge began in earnest late last week with the President’s declaration of a national emergency. That’s when gun stores were deluged with buyers, many of them first-timers. California, however, has a 10-day waiting period to take possession of any firearm purchased. Which means none of those buyers who stood in line … Read more

San Jose Mayor Orders Gun Shop Closed as ‘Non-essential’

During a national emergency with unprecedented demand for guns nationwide, San Jose’s Mayor — someone who wanted to require gun owners to buy liability insurance — has decided that no one really needs to buy a firearm. …[A]fter customers lined up around gun stores in several counties Tuesday — including outside the Bullseye Bishop in … Read more

Gun Retailers Changing How They Do Business During the Coronavirus Gun Buying Surge

We’ve all seen the photos of packed gun stores and empty shelves around the country as Americans prepare themselves for a national emergency. Grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops and pharmacies are changing the way the do business and interact with the public given the need for social distancing and minimizing crowds of people congregating together. … Read more

Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge Demonstrates That Americans Want Firearms

By Larry Keane First, they came for hand sanitizer and bleach wipes. Then it was the toilet paper. Now, its guns and ammunition. Americans are lining up at local gun shops taking stock of their safety concerns and stocking up on guns and ammunition. It’s showing that firearms continue to be a desired item and … Read more