San Jose Mayor Orders Gun Shop Closed as ‘Non-essential’

During a national emergency with unprecedented demand for guns nationwide, San Jose’s Mayor — someone who wanted to require gun owners to buy liability insurance — has decided that no one really needs to buy a firearm. …[A]fter customers lined up around gun stores in several counties Tuesday — including outside the Bullseye Bishop in … Read more

Gun Retailers Changing How They Do Business During the Coronavirus Gun Buying Surge

We’ve all seen the photos of packed gun stores and empty shelves around the country as Americans prepare themselves for a national emergency. Grocery stores, restaurants, coffee shops and pharmacies are changing the way the do business and interact with the public given the need for social distancing and minimizing crowds of people congregating together. … Read more

Coronavirus Gun Sales Surge Demonstrates That Americans Want Firearms

By Larry Keane First, they came for hand sanitizer and bleach wipes. Then it was the toilet paper. Now, its guns and ammunition. Americans are lining up at local gun shops taking stock of their safety concerns and stocking up on guns and ammunition. It’s showing that firearms continue to be a desired item and … Read more

Why Americans are Buying Guns: Cities Not Arresting Criminals for Many Crimes During Coronavirus Emergency

When the Great Coronavirus Gun Run first got under way in earnest last week, sneering, sniggering critics in the media made great sport of tsk-tsking at all the stupid rubes, ridiculing them and wondering if they were really so dumb as to think they were going to shoot the virus. As any non-elitist knew, however, … Read more

What Gun(s) and Gear Are You Buying Now?

As we’ve noted here, Americans are stampeding to gun stores like never before. With a declaration of a national emergency, a lot of people who hadn’t bought guns before have decided that now is the time to procure a firearm to make sure they can defend themselves and their families. If it it goes bang, … Read more

Gun Sales Surge Background Check Delays: 2 Days in Colorado, 3 Weeks in Washington State

In some states the spike in gun sales is being met with the expected slowdown in NICS background check processing. According to an employee at a gun store in Colorado – yes, I’m leaving his name out of this but he’s a friend of mine – their current delay on background checks is almost two … Read more